Dissertation Hand In

Yesterday saw the hand in of my dissertation on “Developing a Lightweight Game Engine in C++”, I can honestly say there is so much more I could have included in the paper, but sadly between time constrictions and the somewhat limited length of the paper I could not. But there it is it’s done, complete with a prototype game engine built in c++.


Everything seemed to go wrong yesterday so it was somewhat hectic, The problems began from the moment I woke up, My computer (Where some of my work was temporarily being stored) had decided not to let me log in (The user account had become corrupt for some unknown reason) after an hour of technical malarkey I was able to obtain the work from my hard-drive.

In order to get into university I rely on public transport which is somewhat lacking, I first must get either a train or bus to oxford then from there get a coach to high wycombe, by public transport this usually takes about 3 hours to get from my house to university. Living in a village the public transport is somewhat lacking, after having missed the train (the only train of the day) that morning I had to seek alternative means of travel. A close friend, understanding the importance of me getting into university offered me a lift.

After having got to university one of the first things I did was to go pick up my final bound dissertation from staples, which went smoothly but set me back by around £100.

There were a few other things that needed to be done before I could submit the work, one of those was to copy a cut down version of the engine to a USB to be handed in along with the dissertation, this is were some of the problems began, during the transfer process the laptop decided to crash which very much slowed it down with the deadline creeping up this really slowed down the process, In the end due to my issues with my laptop I transferred to one of the university computers. The process should have took 5 mins but in the end took 45ish mins.

Now the final problem that occurred during this day, the whole final project had 4 expected deliverable s,  2 bound copys of the report, media containing the software that has been developed and an electronic online submission. The problem came with the electronic submission, I was submitting the electronic copy around about the same time that my laptop decided to crash, I had gone through the submission process uploaded the file, only to come back later that day and realize that it had been neglected slightly because of the problems that were occurring at the time, I opened my laptop only to find that the turnitin system that handles the online submission had timed out and as such the electronic copy had not been submitted, after the realization the document was submitted straight away, hopefully this issue will resolve itself but did somewhat a final blow for the day knowing not all the submission requirements had been met. This was the part of the submission that I though would be least problematic but in the end it ended up being the most.

Anyway that’s all for now, Once this course is over I’ll be able to get down to some programming, maybe update the website, upload some stuff it’ll be fun.

Good Day!.

First Year Torque 2D Game CW.

Hello very soon I will be posting up the game I created during my first year at university, BIO-CRISIS although the name will possibly change in the future if I ever decide to rework the game. Its a pretty simple platformer really, but considering it was developed in around 4 days its really not that bad, there just a few changes I will be making to the game before I post it up here. One of the changes was to the menu screen just to.. well make it look a tiny bit more professional. It was developed as a 2 level demo and for now will remain that way.


Another Boring Blog Update. && MineCraft.Clone()

So right what have I been doing, what have I been doing hmmm… well I did go on about uni work and not having enough time for anything it seems very much true, even lost a very beautiful young girl over the matter. But life shall go on.

Right Updates
Coming up to the end of uni, really need to work on dissertation, engines still absolutely terrible and I’m absolutely starting to freak out about the whole deal, but I’m pretty sure that’s the same for most students. As far as the actual engines concerned I’ve done “little” work little in the sense that there’s so much to do at the moment I’ve barely dented the surface. So many problems cropping up, bad code things I regret.

Engine Updates -> About 4 days ago I decided to start making a Minecraft Clone on my engine has been coming together very quickly. Screenshots below from the start to now. Texture Pack credit should be directed to BDCraft.net.

1) Modded/ Hacked the existing TileMap class to add an extra Dimension, For those/ everyone that doesn’t know the TileMap class in my engine used a chunk based system in conjunction with opengl’s diaplay lists (Don’t Judge) to render some pretty large maps.


2) My engine has little in the side of physics at the moment, box2d can technically be used but is not supported, So I added a few new colliders to the engines native physics system, this included an AABB(Axis Aligned Bounding Box) and a Ray. The systems very much brute force at the moment, but is currently not much of a concern as we will be working on a grid area with a limited number of collidable objects. Using these two new objects I went about creating another class to handle the collisions in the world itself a new type known as CubeMapCollider, it takes a reference to the CubeWorld and uses this to basically  work out collisions that may be occurring. When checking for collisions in the world from a ray the CubeMapCollider will work out a set of tiles within the bounding volume of the ray before then checking each tile/ block to see if a collision has occurred, after computing the collisions and distance it will work out the collider object which is first struck. At the stage depicted below, the actual collision algorithm was slightly questionable, at this moment in time I had not worked out how to detect which specific face the ray had collided with on the AABB so for the time being I just added a new tile above which ever tile the ray collided with when the right mouse button was pressed.10001014_10202446571780276_20289126_o

3) At this point I was working primarily on optimizations(reducing memory usage, increasing FPS), I made sure only clockwise winding faces are drawn for a start, then I moved onto culling sides of the blocks that where not visible, and various other optimizations. in the end I managed to render a world consisting of over 2 million cubes-> to quote myself on facebook: “current rendering a cube world of 256X32X256 with chunks of 32X32X32 so around 64 chunks with a total of 2,097,152 blocks in the world and getting between 290 – 320 FPS on my computer. Not bad.”


4)The culling of hidden faces left it problematic when dealing with blocks with transparent textures, Its an easy fix but is not fixed yet.


5)By this point I had got the ray AABB intersect perfect next was to work out which face was hit first by the ray and to be able to place blocks attached to said face.1799077_10202455691328259_1619101935_o

6) Just rendered out 4 chunks of 32X32, messed around a bit as I plan to start to think about chunk + world generation. 1397065_10202457575775369_1406873529_o

6) Finally got collisions down flawlessly I might add.. 1956959_10202459074852845_859077590_o

7)Added functionality that makes it possible to destroy blocks.1891349_10202461294628338_428069606_o

Blog Update

Sorry everyone I find it hard to update my blog regularly at the moment, I have a very busy schedule between uni work, social life and my own personal programming so I find i hard to do much else. Not to mention the time I spend travelling (6 hours to uni and back every day I go in).


Unis going well got some good grades so far this year hope by the end to have a good classification, very interesting lecture yesterday an X-game designer came in to do a presentation was very informative. Continuing to work on my dissertation and project “Lightweight Game Engine Developed in C++” see nightmare engine blog, hopefully by the end of this month Box2d will be integrated… just finding it hard to find time to get it done at the moment.

Minor update to PSVPAD, yes there was a minor update to PSVPAD, completely changed how the program operates, still very simple application in itself and the codes not totally satisfactory but gets the job done. Managed to play some games very efficiently with a weak connection getting no lag so if you guys can get that to work then happy days its far better than previous versions. It was always planned to be a dedicated remote controller however. I have been discussing with some close friends the possibility that I might add option remote desktop/ play support which is a consideration at the moment. I will definitely clean the code up at some point so expect another update soon.

Thats all for now

have a good day

Update PSV PAD 1.2

This program allows you to use your vita as a game-pad for your PC. It requires both your vita to be connected to the same network, does work over ad hoc connections. Tested and works on Windows 7 + Windows 8 may work on other windows operating systems but untested. Instructions are included with the download. Any bugs please report them. 

Note: Requires PlayStation Mobile Developer Licence

Whats in the download

  • Server Application
  • Xpadder Profile + Image (Xpadder Not Included)
  • Playstation Mobile Solution (PSVPAD Application)
  • Instructions + Change-log




  • Updated the Instructions
  • Changes to how data is sent over network
  • Reduced Lag
  • A lot lot lot lot faster
  • Enjoy

Clean And Rebuild The Solution Before Deploying to Vita Hotkey: Ctrl + F8

Note: PSVPAD win8  Tested works on both windows 7 & windows 8

Update 1.2.1 Alpha Release See Page: PSVPAD_1.2.1_Alpha 

Windows 7+ Windows 8 : PSVPAD_1.2_Win8

Problems with net framwork 3.5 : PSVPAD_1.2

Black Screen Fix:
If your having problems with a black screen make sure you clean and rebuild the PSVPAD application before deploying it to your vita Ctrl +F8.

One Pixel fix for 1.5.1 worth a shot if all else fails: PSVPAD-959X543

Windows 8 Error MSB4185 Fix
If you experience this error “Error MSB4185: The function “CurrentUICulture” on type “System.Globalization.CultureInfo” has not been enabled for execution.” 

  • First make sure Playstation suite is closed.
  • Open the console(cmd) as Administrator, Can be found by searching “cmd”
  • Relaunch Playstation Suite



PSVPAD Another Update

I’m working on an update for the application for all those interested… However is not as much an update as a rewrite so it may take some time, I’ve encountered some bugs and problems along the way… The PSV PAD was actually the first piece of networked code I have ever written so it was actually quite poorly written and not very well optimized, hopefully with the update it will have substantially less lag, all tests so far have shown positive results. I’m actually currently having problems with data getting jumbled together along the way which is resulting in the application freezing and crashing at the moment due to desalinization errors on the server side. The new version of the application groups all the data together on the vitas side serializing it then sending the data over the network together. As soon as I’ve fixed the bugs and got it running smoothly I’ll post it up here…

PSVPAD UPDATE – V1.15 beta PSM SDK v1.11.01

Just Updated the PSV PAD… Enjoy. I re-uploaded the zip you should actually be able to extract the files now.

PSVPAD Description – Allows you to use your Playstation Vita as a Game Pad for your PC, It is possible to set up an ad-hoc connection on your computer and connect directly…Instructions may follow.


PSVPAD 1.2 Update

PSVPAD 1.151 beta – PSM v1.11.01 Download

  • Bug Fixes 

PSVPAD 1.15 beta – PSM v1.11.01 Download 

  • Windows 8 Support
  • Fixed app.xml missing error
  • Minor changes

Microsoft IllumiRoom

I’ve actually know about this for a while now but its only just recently I’ve been able to see the concept in action, I originally herd about t a while ago when it was reported that Microsoft had taken out a patent on this technology plus a few very interesting other concepts that I may get into another time

IllumiRoom is a very interesting concept it was designed to augment a room surrounding your television to try and improve gaming experience and add a level of immersion that we have never seen before. It allows the games as well as video to come out of your tv into the real world. IllumiRoom makes use of a kinnect system as well as a projector to produce some well… pretty amazing effects. The video below goes over the illumiRoom and all the different effects that can be created and how it interacts with the room around.

Although I really like the idea I can’t help but see the many issues that will arise with it, one of the first flaws that I see which was the same with the kinnect system is that i can see it relying a lot of space and personally I don’t think its something that I would have space for in my bedroom necessarily. Something else that worries me is this is the sort of thing that I can see really messing with my head, looking at some of the stuff in the video it seems kinda trippy.

Anyway its something totally worth checking out, I can definitely see this as something I would love to have sat in my living room.

You can find out more at Microsoft Research: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/illumiroom/

Sorry about the sloppy writing its quite late XD, have a good evening Good Night and thanks for reading. xoxox

Short Story – Joke

Not to be taken seriously…

Darkest Days by Allan Moore

Constantly drifting in and out of consciousness Moss surly knew this would be the end, with every ounce of strength in his body he reached his arm up to clutch the pendent around his neck from his once beloved. His mind wandering, he though back to when he had received the pendant, it was there first wedding anniversary, they had spent the whole day together wandering around Oxford, followed by a quiet evening with some horrible cooking he made him self, the food may have been bad but the company of his beloved was priceless. He knew she didn’t have much money he provided for the both of them, he also knew how much that pendent meant to her, she was given it when she was only a young girl by her father after her mum died, it was suppose to keep her safe… He managed to open his eyes once again, he took a quick look around the room before attempting to pull himself to his feet. After doing so he took one step forward before feeling a warm slimy sensation underneath his left foot, it was too dark in the room to see what is was, but he could only assume it was the remains of some of the other poor souls that had once found themselves trapped in this room as he was now. He knew if he didn’t want to face the same fate they had he needed to find away out of here. He moved to the front of the room, faced with a large iron door, he quickly felt around to see if there was any way to open the door with no avail. The door had no handle no lock or anything. Peering through one of the cracks in the door he could make out an iron deadbolt on the opposite side that was securely holding the door shut. Stepping back he remembered he still had a box of matches in his pocket, he took them out and as he removed a match from the box his hopes quickly faded as he realized they were now socked in his own blood, He tried to light the match but after a sudden burst of light it quickly went out, there was no way these matches were any use any-more. He peered around the room to see if there was anything useful, on the ground he could see the cold wet mattress he had just pulled him self off of. Behind it was some of the various torture devices they used on him, large absurdly shaped iron bars with wooden handles. To the left he could make out only what he assumed to be a pile of bones and rags, he moved over to them wondering if there could be anything useful hidden amongst the remains. Whilst doing so he noticed just underneath where the mattress lay there was a broken drain grate, once he was fairly confident there was nothing in the remains, he pulled the mattress off of the drain and lifted the broken drain gate off and threw it to the side. The smell coming from the drain was unbearable, and the hole it left was barely big enough for him to get through. He looked down the hole but couldn’t make out anything below it was too dark, figuring he had better chances down there than up here he grabbed one of the rags off the floor wrapped it around his nose and lowered him self down the hole. There was a slight drop and he then found himself knee deep in all the fowl fluids that had came from the rooms above, scattered above the surface was broken bone shards, rags and a thick layer of pure sewage. As bad as the situation was he still thought to himself this is nowhere near as bad as that time I fell down the stairs and found myself dangling from the handrail with my half erect penis out. What a sorry set of affairs.

Please don’t let me know what you think XD.